"The God Hunters"《西游后传》Animated Movie from Vasoon
Scheduled for a 2015 premiere, is "The God Hunters"《西游后传》 / 《狠西游》 from, Vasoon Animation (a privately owned Chinese animation studio established in Beijing, 1992.) whereby the characters from Chinsese folklore "Journey to the West" is recognizable, especially WuKong ("The Monkey King"). No specific details as yet for this spectacular looking animation, threading into Japanimation "Ninja Scrolls" territory and hyper-visuals reminding me of the work of "Madhouse" of Japan, and I Am Liking What I am Seeing Loads!
To be released in China, it remains to be seen if this film will be shown anywhere else...

SYNOPSIS: "Some years after the pilgrimage to the West, a magic city is quietly thriving below the 33rd layer of Heaven. Wukong (The Monkey King) and a task force of “God Hunters” are entrusted with the mission of killing God Erlang. Priest Tang, Friar Sand and Bajie are also involved…"
《狠西遊》预告: "盛唐,阳关市 ------ 三界交汇,种族杂居,取经归来的一行人便落脚于此。(First featured #onTOYSREVIL circa Feb 2014)
一路走来破除万险,尘世间却早已物换星移,时代的变迁,科技的进步,思想的巨变,潮流催生的修仙神术,健体延寿的迷幻法物,越便捷,越风靡,梦想是什么?何处所谓信仰?明明寄望用经文来普度众生,造福人间的,却只能看着那一卷卷的经书 ,堆在角落,连尘累土,静若无物。真经备受冷落,历经辉煌的师徒四人也终究过上了普通人的生活在一片迷茫中默默寻找着方向.....
Is there any more information about the release of this film? I can't find further information about if it was completed, released etc,